POPAART | let's come and draw!
Art CoursePOPAART provides different art course, such as oil painting, water colour painting, drawing and acrylic painting etc. It aims to teach proper painting technique, the usage of material and colour.
You can choose any theme and painting material that you prefer to create your own style of artwork. 繪畫課程 popaArt 提供各類型繪畫課程,包括油畫,水彩畫,素描,塑膠彩等等。 同學可按照個人喜好選擇物料和題材,並在導師的指導下學習正確的繪畫技巧,色彩運用以至物料應用,從而創作出具有個人風格的畫作。 |
ART JamART Jam is fun and exciting experience which allow people to unleash their creativity for a few hours. You will be provided with a comfortable atmosphere, atmospheric music, complimentary drinks, and all the materials you will need to explore and create! You may choose your size of canvas.
自助畫室 自助畫室是一項自由的繪畫活動;是一個表達自我及個人創造力的藝術空間,也是一個充滿趣味的創作經歷。在我們播著輕鬆音樂、裝潢舒適隨性的畫室內,你可以隨意挑選合適的畫具,任意繪畫。在這數小時的創作過程內,不管有沒有題材、畫得好不好,你只要一邊享受飲品,一邊輕輕鬆鬆畫你想畫的,那就夠了!過程中你會發現生活的壓力及煩惱瞬間一掃而空。 |
ART Jam/ Private PartyPOPAART is a place full of artist breath. It provides a comfortable and roomy environment for all kinds of party/ activity. It is a prefect place for you to enjoy every precious moment with friends and family.
繪畫/ 私人派對 POPAART 是一個寬敞舒適,開揚而又充滿藝術氣息的地方,你可以在這裏舉辦各類型活動,例如繪畫派對,生日派對或團隊活動。這裡可讓你放鬆心情,與親友歡度一天,盡興而歸。 |
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